Happy Tuesday, y’all! Texas is finally cold, but in a way that makes me almost long for the humid, 90 degree summers we get on the Gulf Coast. Almost. 😉 I’ve had trouble being present with Thanksgiving and finals around the corner. So I thought the blog was overdue for another day in the life of. Because of that, here’s a semi-typical day in the life a senior dietetics student.
8:00 am-ish—Originally the plan was to go for a run in the morning. But it’s getting to the point in the semester where just getting up to go to mandatory things is a win. So I think I fell back asleep after attempting to set snooze on my alarm.
9:00 am—Actually get up and get ready for the day!
10:00 am—Work. I still work at the campus learning center (LU Success). I spend my morning in an appointment and working on creating superlatives for the other Success Partners.
12:30 pm—Lunch with friends. Because I have a quick half-hour lunch break, I walk over to the dining hall on campus. Compared to some of the other food options on campus, it’s much easier to get in and out. Also while the quality isn’t consistent, it has been improving lately. Today the staff had made some Thanksgiving food, which made my heart very happy. I will never ever pass up fall or Thanksgiving foods.
Before going back to work, I decide I need a second dose of caffeine (one cup doesn’t cut it for me this semester), so I stop by the Starbucks on campus for a cup of black coffee.
1:00 pm—Back to work! I have one appointment that cancelled so I instead spend the afternoon on little work things and paperwork.
2:30 pm—Quick run. So normally if I skipped a run, I wouldn’t think it a big deal and would instead put it off until another day. But I signed up for a 5 mile Turkey Trot with my sister. I can’t do 5 miles normally when I’m at school, and my hometown is much hillier than the coast. So run I must. It ends up being only a little over two miles because I almost twist my ankle and don’t want to push it. The actual run was a good time fueled by caffeine and screamo.
3:50 pm—Nutrition Assessment and Counseling. I make it from my dorm to class just in time to take a medical terminology quiz. We spend the actual class period discussing our upcoming nutrition counseling practicum and reviewing counseling theories and techniques.
5:30 pm—Medical Nutrition Therapy. Because this class is taught by a working dietitian we meet once a week for a night class! We spend three hours learning about how nutrition affects the immune system and relates to pharmacology.
8:30 pm—Late dinner. Class is over, but the day is not! I walk back to my dorm and make some lentils and acorn squash. Although I was running on adrenaline after my workout, the feeling wore off. At this point, I’m pretty annoyed with life. The food helps though. I try and get a little work done before going to see…
9:45 pm—Maleficent. A friend promised to take me to the movie for a late birthday present and our schedules finally work out so that he could make good on that promise. We picked Maleficent because it was the best option in theaters, and although I wasn’t too invested going into it, I was pleasantly surprised. For a sequel, the movie was pretty good!
12:00 am—More homework. Tuesday’s are one of my busier days, so I’m usually up pretty late. After getting some work done, but also watching way too many TikTok compilations, I end the night around 2 am.
What’s been a highlight of your day/week? I think my favorite part of that day was the unexpected chances to hang out with friends.
Until next time,