What is Matcha Tea?

Hey y'all, happy Tuesday! Hope everybody's doing alright. I just finished my first ever grad class: family law! Although it was something I wouldn't have chosen to learn about on my own, it turned out to be really interesting. Today, however I wanted to share about something a little more trendy to most people: matcha. … Continue reading What is Matcha Tea?

East Tennessee State University Dietetic Internship

Happy Tuesday everyone. Hope your summer is going as well as it can be. Today, I've got another dietetic internship overview for you. This time, I found the East Tennessee State University Dietetic Internship in Johnson City, Tennessee and thought it looked interesting. So of course I had to do some more research and share … Continue reading East Tennessee State University Dietetic Internship

Nutrition Volunteer Opportunities During a Pandemic

Happy Tuesday, y'all. Hope this week's going well for you. This post might be a little late to the scene given all that's going on. But I know here in Texas, positive coronavirus tests are increasing. Maybe this will be valid again. My point in this post is to give you more safe and creative … Continue reading Nutrition Volunteer Opportunities During a Pandemic

University of South Florida Dietetic Internship

Hey y'all, hope everyone is doing well. I know this week has been a very tough one for me emotionally. Don't forget to reach out to those around you and check in with each other. Today on the blog, I've got another dietetic internship to share: the University of South Florida in Tampa. Internship Basics … Continue reading University of South Florida Dietetic Internship

What to Do the Summer Before Your Dietetic Internship

Hey y'all. Given what's happening today in our nation, today is not so happy a Tuesday. I've been processing everything and praying for this nation. Hope y'all are doing well. In my post from two weeks ago that was an update on my life, I shared how I got accepted to Montana State University's MS/DI … Continue reading What to Do the Summer Before Your Dietetic Internship