National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Hello everyone and happy Tuesday. This week is National Eating Disorder Awareness. As a future RD, eating disorders are something I've wanted to learn more about for a while. They're a complex issue and should be managed with a healthcare team, including a dietitian. If you or a loved one have symptoms similar to any … Continue reading National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Texas A&M Dietetic Internship

Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone enjoyed your weekend! Mine was a little rocky, but I did because I finally finished my DICAS application!!! I'll share more in a blog post sometime soon. What I can say right now is that I'm so happy to be done with it for now. Today, however, I wanted to share … Continue reading Texas A&M Dietetic Internship

All About the DICAS Application

Hey y'all, happy Tuesday! How is everyone's week going? I hope everybody's doing well. I'm in the home stretch of applying for dietetic internships through a website called DICAS. I've still got a few things to tweak on my DICAS application, but it feels good to be nearly done. DICAS stands for Dietetic Internship Centralized … Continue reading All About the DICAS Application

This is Your Brain on DICAS

I don't know what inspired the photographer to take this stock photo, but whoever it was, I'm grateful I can accurately describe my mood with it. Hey y'all, Happy Tuesday! I want to make sure I'm posting quality content and because of DICAS and other things, I can't do that this week. I've got some … Continue reading This is Your Brain on DICAS