Happy Tuesday, y’all! I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe. Last week, I revisited my 12 goals from 2020 to see how many I had accomplished. With some feedback from those and the year itself, today I thought I’d share my 12 new goals for 2021.
Like last week, I’m sorting my goals into 5 main categories:
- School and Career
- Blog
- Health
- Personal Growth
- Fun
Be Present
This year will be a long one with another semester of grad school before I start my dietetic internship next fall. I’ll have some tough days ahead. But I’ll also have opportunities I’ve never had before. When days are hard, I want to focus on changing what I can and asking God to help me through what I cannot. And when I have new experiences, I want to get as much as I can from them through curiosity, ambition, and attentiveness.
Make more connections with nutrition professionals
Like many people, for me 2020 meant less connection–personally and professionally. I’m ready to meet more people in my field through my coursework, my internship, and even this blog!
Post one to two articles per month
I plan to keep posting, but unlike when I said that last year, I want to be more realistic about my time. This year instead of aiming to post every week, my goal is to post every other week.
Have 25 Total Posts on Schools and Internships
The ultimate goal of The Future RD is to provide information on every dietetic internship. But with so many internships out there, that’s easily a long-term goal. For this year, my goal is to have 25 to 30 total posts on schools and their dietetic internships.
Focus on my mental health
2020 was tough on everyone and the year exacerbated some struggles of my own too. This year, I plan to incorporate more tools to improve my mental health.
Move in ways I enjoy
With a very physical job, most days I’m too tired for an actual workout. When I do feel like doing physical activity, I want it to be movement I chose because I want to, not because I must.
Add variety to my meals
Lately, I’ve been feeling stuck in a rut with meals. I guess the 2020 cooking fatigue finally got to me! With the time I have left before school, I hope to try a couple new dishes to break me out of that rut and reignite my creativity in the kitchen.
Create monthly challenges
As I was reflecting on my goals for 2021, I realized there are several areas that I want to personally improve. But I also know that if I don’t set a due date or timeline for myself with goals like those, I won’t be as likely to complete them. This year, I wrote down a few areas I want to learn more about or improve in, like finances, skincare, meal prepping, and blogging, and plan to work on one each month.
Use my phone meaningfully
Doom scrolling isn’t fun, nor is quarantine FOMO. Even before 2020, I probably spent more time on my phone and social media than I needed to. I’ve started using timed app blockers for YouTube and Instagram, since I waste the most time on those two apps. As the year goes on, I’ll use the app blocker to cut down the time on each.
Work on a side hustle
Grad school keeps me busy and broke. But for some reason, I want to develop a side income, mostly because I want to prove to myself that I can. It would also be nice to have some income that I can control. I wrote in my last post about learning macramé last year and right now I’m toying with the idea of starting an Etsy shop for it! I’ll have to keep y’all posted.
Reach another high point
Literally! In my post from last week, I wrote how one of my goals was to visit a national park to work on a bucket list goal to visit all 64 US National Parks). In the process of completing that goal by visiting Guadalupe Mountains National Park, I also stood on the highest point in Texas. Another bucket list item of mine is to hit all 50 state high points (or at least the 48 state high points in the contiguous U.S.), so I’d like to reach another high point at some point this year.
Go backpacking
One of my favorite things to do is spend time outside. And one of my favorite ways to do that is through hiking or backpacking. I haven’t been on a backpacking trip in almost two years and miss it! I want this year to be a year in which I return to that.
What are your goals for 2021?
Until next time,