Happy Tuesday y'all! Today's post comes as many of you are completing your final edits on your dietetic internship applications and personal statements. (Keep on keeping on y'all; you're doing fantastic!) Today's post is not on what you should cover in your personal statement, like many other creators in the field have done an amazing … Continue reading How to Write the Best Personal Statement for a Dietetic Internship
Category: Uncategorized
All About the DICAS Application
Hey y'all, happy Tuesday! How is everyone's week going? I hope everybody's doing well. I'm in the home stretch of applying for dietetic internships through a website called DICAS. I've still got a few things to tweak on my DICAS application, but it feels good to be nearly done. DICAS stands for Dietetic Internship Centralized … Continue reading All About the DICAS Application
This is Your Brain on DICAS
I don't know what inspired the photographer to take this stock photo, but whoever it was, I'm grateful I can accurately describe my mood with it. Hey y'all, Happy Tuesday! I want to make sure I'm posting quality content and because of DICAS and other things, I can't do that this week. I've got some … Continue reading This is Your Brain on DICAS
Write Personal Statements, Not Blog Posts
Hey y'all, happy Tuesday! I'm taking one more week off from posting as the pre-select application I mentioned last week is due tomorrow and I'm putting the finishing touches on that. Wish me luck! Not to worry though, I'll be back next week. Both my last semester of college and my regular posting schedule will … Continue reading Write Personal Statements, Not Blog Posts
I’m Applying for Dietetic Internships!
I'm back y'all! Happy Tuesday, Happy New Year, and welcome back to the blog! Congrats to everyone who are still working on their New Year's resolution and if you've given up, maybe try again. One day of messing up doesn't mean you should throw in the towel. Keep moving forward! Speaking of which, one way … Continue reading I’m Applying for Dietetic Internships!
Finals Week
Hey y'all! I'm in the middle of finals this week and because of that, I'll be holding off on posts for at least today and maybe next week. Good luck to everyone in your studies!
My Thoughts as a College Senior Dietetics Student
When the meme is old, but it still suits your post... Happy Tuesday everyone! Originally I had planned a post on getting ready to move in to the dorms, but I had trouble writing it. That's when I realized it wasn't even relevant to my life because I haven't started packing yet! I've been so … Continue reading My Thoughts as a College Senior Dietetics Student
5 Things I’m Loving Lately
Happy Tuesday! This week I'm off in the mountains of California backpacking, exploring caves and doing other things I'm loving. How's your week? Hope everyone's staying cool out there. I like to keep up with a lot of blogs for fun. Originally I found them when I wasn't yet on social media and was looking … Continue reading 5 Things I’m Loving Lately
Welcome Back!
Hey y'all, happy Tuesday! I can't believe it's been about a month since I've posted anything on here. And for that, I honestly have no excuse other than my time management hasn't been great. Momentum is one of those things you don't notice or appreciate until it's gone. I really enjoy having a somewhat stable … Continue reading Welcome Back!