Hey y’all and happy Tuesday! Today’s post is for all the RDs to be that are working on making their dreams come true this week. If that’s not you, let me explain. Most dietetic internships start their programs in the fall, so applications are due in the spring. As of the day I’m publishing this, we have about a week left until the final deadline for those applications. Because of that, today I wanted to share 7 things to check for an amazing internship application.
Have you sent in all transcripts?
Be sure to check that DICAS (the site where you submit applications) has gotten all transcripts you’ve sent in. If you don’t see them there, make sure your school has sent them as you’ve asked.
Have you uploaded personal statement(s)?
Make sure you’ve not just written your personal statement(s) but you’ve uploaded them! If you make any final changes, make sure to re-submit as well!
Are your personal statement(s) personalized?
Personalizing your personal statement to an internship is key if you are applying to multiple internships. If you’re not sure whether you’ve personalized yours, I talk about that in my post from last week (How to Write the Best Personal Statement for a Dietetic Internship)!
Do you have 3+ submitted references?
You will need at least three references from someone who knows you well in a professional or academic setting. This might be a professor, employer or manager, or volunteer supervisor. If you don’t see an uploaded reference, check back in with that person and make sure they know when their reference letter is due!
Are you happy with your internship ranking?
The order in which you rank your internship choices can be pretty important! The good news is that while you can’t add additional internships after the February 15th deadline, you can reorder those for one week in March (for Spring 2021, that’s March 22 through March 29).
Is supplemental paperwork ready to turn in?
This would be anything that the dietetic internship asks for on its own website. Don’t skip this part!
Have you correctly entered all your info?
Double and triple-check your coursework, awards, and volunteer and work experience. You don’t want any accidental error to hurt your chances of being accepted.
Congrats to everyone who is finishing up their applications! Be sure to celebrate yourself and all the effort you’ve put in these past few months.
Until next time,