Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone's doing well today and fully enjoying their summer, especially the recent high school grads. My summer truly began last week with a summer class and a summer job. This time of year can be very different from person to person. To me, summer means enjoying my hometown and friends, saving up … Continue reading 5 Summer Things That Will Improve Your DI Application
How to Conquer Pathophysiology as a Dietetics Student
Hello, everyone and happy Tuesday! Once again, it's been quite some time since I posted on this blog. I spent the second half of the spring semester dealing with a heavy workload, burnout, and personal issues, so posting fell to the bottom of my to-do list. If there's one thing I've learned from this past … Continue reading How to Conquer Pathophysiology as a Dietetics Student
Day in the Life of a Dietetics Student
Happy Tuesday! I looked at the calendar and my school has a month until finals! While I'm mentally throwing confetti and day-dreaming about summer, I know we've still got a ways to go. Keep on keepin' on, y'all. The finish line is nearly within reach! For today's post, I decided to write a day in … Continue reading Day in the Life of a Dietetics Student
Welcome Back!
Hey y'all, happy Tuesday! I can't believe it's been about a month since I've posted anything on here. And for that, I honestly have no excuse other than my time management hasn't been great. Momentum is one of those things you don't notice or appreciate until it's gone. I really enjoy having a somewhat stable … Continue reading Welcome Back!
What is the RD Exam?
Hello everyone, it's Tuesday, so that means it's one day closer to spring break for me! I'll be out of town next week on a mission trip (complete with 31 hour drive each way 🙂 ). So right now I'm doing my best to get a post ready to go for y'all for next week. … Continue reading What is the RD Exam?
How to Become an RD: Dietetic Internships
Happy Tuesday everyone! This week's post is the second in a series that covers the different routes to becoming an RD. Last week, we talked about what coursework and degree you'd need to start the process. Today, we're going to cover the next step in how to become an RD: Dietetic Internships (DI). I describe … Continue reading How to Become an RD: Dietetic Internships
How Do I Become a Registered Dietitian?
Hello everyone! It's Tuesday, so that means it's time for another blog post. I hope that whatever last week held went well and that whatever this week holds may bear success! Today is the first of a series of posts. These posts will cover something I wish I'd known when starting college: how to become … Continue reading How Do I Become a Registered Dietitian?
How to Prepare for Success on Your Tests
Happy Tuesday! It's already my fourth(!) week of school and I know some schools are even further into the spring semester. This year is flying by for me, and I hope it's enjoyable for the rest of you. If you've been wondering where all the interviews are, keep checking in every Tuesday! I've got some … Continue reading How to Prepare for Success on Your Tests
Spring 2019 Thoughts
Hello, hello! I hope everybody is doing well and hopefully not still freezing if you live up north. Texas is enjoying a mild 60 degrees, so feel free to visit us anytime! I've spent the last two weeks diving into this spring semester, trying to figure out what I'm doing, and I've finally come up … Continue reading Spring 2019 Thoughts
College Class Review: Quantity Foods
As a third-year college student, I really started getting into courses directly related to my major. This past fall, I took courses such as Microbiology, Advanced Nutrition, and Quantity Food System Management (Quantity Foods for short). I enjoyed parts of all of these classes--and might review them in the future. But I far and away … Continue reading College Class Review: Quantity Foods